Flag of Montana

Flag of Montana

Officially » State of Montana

  • Capital » Helena
  • Largest city » Billings


  • Area » 380,800 sq km (147,040 sq mi)
    • 4th largest US state.
  • Highest elevation » Granite Peak (Google Maps) » 3,903.5 m (12,807 ft)
    Lowest elevation (Kootenai River at Idaho border[3][4]) 1,804 ft (557 m)
  • Montana is bordered by Idaho to the west; North Dakota and South Dakota to the east; Wyoming to the south; and by the Canadian provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan to the north.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites

  • Waterton Glacier International Peace Park (UNESCO)
    • In 1932 Waterton Lakes National Park (Alberta, Canada) was combined with the Glacier National Park (Montana, United States) to form the world’s first International Peace Park. Situated on the border between the two countries and offering outstanding scenery, the park is exceptionally rich in plant and mammal species as well as prairie, forest, and alpine and glacial features.
    • Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park is now certified as an International Dark Sky Park, after meeting lighting requirements set by the International Dark Sky Association. (Source, August, 2021)


This page was updated October 26, 2022