Republic of Burundi
- Capital » Bujumbura
- Date and Time
- UTC +2
- Weather
- Date and Time
- Population » 12.5 million (est 2022)
- 50 years life expectancy for men and women
- Currency » Burundian franc
- Area » 27,816 sq km
- Landlocked country in East Africa bordered by Rwanda, Tanzania, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
- Very little tourism infrastructure
- No UNESCO sites listed (2023)
- Driving on the Right
- One of the world’s poorest nations
- 1.8 million people need humanitarian aid
- There is an international concern about the freedom of the press in Burundi.
- The BBC and Voice of America have been banned from transmissions (2019).
- Burundi announces first polio outbreak in more than 30 years (UN, March 2023)
Safety and Security
Risk to travellers is very high in Burundi due to the unpredictable security situation, potential for violent civil unrest, threat of terrorism, and violent crime. International airports and land borders could be subject to closure with little warning.
Government Advise
News & Resources
This page was updated April 2, 2023