Flag of Nova Scotia
- Officially » Nova Scotia
- Nouvelle-Écosse (French)
- Capital » Halifax
- Also largest city
- about 45% of the province’s population
- Also largest city
- Population » 923,598 (2016)
- Most speak English
- Area » 55,284 sq km (21,345 sq mi)
- Canada’s second-smallest province by area, after neighbouring Prince Edward Island
- NS shares a land border with New Brunswick
- The Bay of Fundy, on Nova Scotia’s north shore, has the highest tidal range in the world
- In 1995, UNESCO designated Lunenburg a World Heritage Site (Town of Lunenburg website)
- Lunenburg is one of only two urban communities in North America designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site
National Parks
- Georges Island National Historic Site (Parks Canada)
- Located in Halifax Harbour
- A former military stronghold that has long been strictly off-limits to the public.
- Since 2020, it’s accessible to the general public for the first time in nearly 300 years.
- Nova Scotia has two national parks, Kejimkujik and Cape Breton Highlands
- Red Chairs
- Cape Breton Island
- North River Falls (Google Maps)
- Easy overland trail and then an easy short hike to view the falls.
- All Trails
- Cape Clear (Google Maps)
- Meat Cove (Google Maps)
- North River Falls (Google Maps)
Shipping Ports
- Halifax has a major auto shipping port that includes RORO (Roll-On, Roll-Off) shipping.
- Vehicles can be shipped to Europe, Africa or almost anywhere in the world.
This page was updated June 14, 2023