A Traveller's Research

Tag: Skiing

Film » Frozen Mind

Banff Centre Mountain Film and Book Festival »

Together with his old friend Pierre Hourticq, snowboarder Victor de le Rue tries to write a new story in the iconic mountains near Chamonix. Frozen Mind is not just a freeride lm, it is a story of friendship and a journey of discovery as the two men take unique paths in order to conquer the same objectives.

Freeriding The Steep Mountains Of Chamonix | Frozen Mind FULL SNOWBOARD/FREESKI FILM

(France, 2018, 33 min)
Directors: Antoine Frioux, Maxime Moulin
Producers: Antoine Frioux, Victor De Le Rue
Production Company: Ivresse Films

Red Bull via YouTube »

In Frozen Mind, the pro snowboarder Victor de Le Rue is testing the limits of what is possible and challenges himself against unforgiving, ice-covered slopes in Chamonix, France.

Chamonix is one of the most prestigious places for mountaineers in the world. Now these dramatic mountains lure more and more skiers and snowboarders to ride the steep, unforgiving faces and it is in Chamonix that we will discover the adventures and evolution of Victor de Le Rue.

It is being together with his old friend Pierre Hourticq, mountain guide that Victor will try to write a new story in the iconic mountains of the Mont Blanc Massif, riding extreme slopes of more than 45° that also have extreme consequences. Frozen Mind is not just a film based on snowboard/ski performance. It is above all a story of friendship and a journey of discovery as the two men take unique paths in order to conquer the same objectives.

Ben Saunders: What I learned from crossing Antarctica on skis, alone


On November 8, 2017, a plane dropped Saunders — who was 40 at the time — at Berkner Island, just off the coast of the Weddell Sea (to see a map, click here). Like Ernest Shackleton (although Shackleton was ultimately unsuccessful), Saunders was aiming to reach a point on the southern coast where the Ross Ice Shelf meets the land. For the next seven weeks, his only connections to the outside world were a satellite phone (only for emergencies), a tracker to keep a remote team aware of his position on an hourly basis, and a smartphone he used to write emails and blog posts. He skied an average of 15.5 miles during 9- to 10-hour days while pulling a sledge that held all the food and equipment he’d need for the journey and weighed 300 pounds at the trip’s start.

Video: How to ski moguls

How to Ski Moguls || REI


When your favorite ski run turns into a mogul field, have no fear! With the right technique and some planning you’ll be able to cruise down bump runs. In this video, PSIA Alpine Team member Robin Barnes shows you how to stay in balance, where you can find an easier line through the bumps and where to find a faster line.

Video: How to ski steep terrain

How to Ski Steeps || REI


Skiing steep terrain can be thrilling once you’ve mastered the skills and techniques that will get you down the hill. In this video, PSIA Alpine Team member Robin Barnes covers the basics, including how to stay balanced, how to skid your turns to control your speed and how to pick the right line for you.

Watch: The Last Hill (until the next one)

Wonderful upbeat short film brought to us by the good folks at Patagonia. Searching for an honest adventure, a small group of skiers and snowboarders travel south from Reno, Nevada by bicycles loaded down with ski and camp gear. Problem is they are not very good cyclists. But they never give up and keep their sights on Mt. Whitney and the endless backcountry ski terrain. These off-the-couch bikers hilariously struggle to keep both wheels moving along the iconic Highway 395 from a new angle: the Sierra saddle vista.

The Last Hill: Adventure Out Your Back Door | Patagonia Films

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