Flag of Scotland
- Capital » Edinburgh
- Population » 5 million (2001 census)
- Languages » English, Gaelic
- Major religion » Christianity
- Currency » 1 pound sterling = 100 pence
- Area » 78,772 km² (30,414 sq miles)
Cycle Touring
- Best from mid-March to mid-October
- Outer Hebrides
- Cycle the Hebridean Way » 185 miles (297km)
- Tourism channel on Vimeo
- Driving tour of Scotland via WikiVoyage
- Best drive in Britain: A82, Glen Coe, Scottish Highlands
- EuroVelo
- From Aberdeen, EuroVelo 1 passes through the north Scottish coast to Inverness. You will ride pass through Cairngorms National Park and Loch Lomond National Park and reach the Scottish coasts by following the Lochs and Glenns Route.
- EuroVelo 1 route in the UK
- Lock Lomond NP via Website / WikiVoyage / Wikipedia
- Cairngorms NP via Website / WikiVoyage / Wikipedia
Travelling Overland and Road Safety
- Driving « Left side of the road
- Scotland’s Land Reform Act of 2003 permits wild camping when you adhere to the Scottish Outdoor Access Code »
- Avoid enclosed areas (such as fields with crops or animals) or close to buildings and historical monuments.
- Camp away from roads.
- Leave no trace.
- Scotland’s Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park, due to overuse and damage to the local environment by the park’s 4 million visitors per year, is subject to management bylaws stating that campers in tents, motorhomes, and campervans must purchase a permit to camp in the park’s defined camping zones. These bylaws are in effect from March 1 to September 30, so if you are visiting Scotland off-season, you may camp in the Camping Management Zone without a permit, which usually runs around £4 per motorhome per night. (Source, May 2023)
- Rainy days and midges are the main threats to your visit.
This page was updated May 20, 2023