The Carnet de Passages en Douane (CPD or Carnet) is an international customs document which allows the temporary admission of motor vehicles into countries that require it. The CPD is a guarantee for payment of customs duties and taxes to a government should your vehicle not be re-exported from that country within a specified time frame. The CPD allows travellers to temporarily import their vehicles without having to leave a cash deposit at the border.
Canadians can obtain a CPD from:
Corporation for International Business (CIB)
325 North Hough Street, 2nd Floor
Barrington, IL 60010 USA
Carnet HelpLine 1-800-282-2900
Mobile Carnet HelpLine 1-847-638-8325
Fax: 1-847-381-3857
Note about Boomerang – Motivated by business interests, their info about countries requiring a CPD is not accurate.
Email from Boomerang confirms carnets may be obtained while in transit. They are valid for one year. They may be renewed for up to 4 times for a total of 5 years.
Countries that DO NOT require a Carnet:
All countries in North, Central, and South America.
All European countries
Countries that sometimes require a Carnet
Japan – Unless arriving by ferry with the vehicle from South Korea or Russia.
New Zealand – a temporary permit can be obtained upon entry
Turkey – a local document may be purchased at the border in the place of a carnet
Countries that REQUIRE a Carnet
Australia – no longer offer temporary import permits upon entry. Carnet IS required.