Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia
- Plurinational State of Bolivia (English)
- Co- Capital » Sucre (official)
- 2750 m in elevation
- Co-Capital » La Paz (administrative)
- The highest capital in the world at 3,690 m in elevation
- Current Time and Date
- Weather
- Population » 10.8 million
- The country is more rural than urban
- Languages » Spanish, Quechua, Aymara, Guarani, and 34 other native languages
- Religion » Christianity
- Life expectancy » 66 years (men), 71 years (women)
- Currency » boliviano
- Indigenous people make up around two-thirds of the population
- The country has the second-largest reserves of natural gas in South America
- One of the world’s largest producers of coca
- Area » 1.1 million sq km (424,164 sq miles)
- About twice the size of Spain
- Bolivia’s capital cities are situated on the Andean Plateau (Altiplano) in the western part of the country.
- Landlocked
- Bordered by Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Peru.
- North Yungas Road, known as “Death Road,” North Yungas Road connects the city of La Paz to Coroico in North Yungas and is considered the world’s most dangerous road.
The narrow dirt road, which was built into the side of the Cordillera Oriental Mountain chain by Paraguayan prisoners in the 1930s, has a death toll of about 300 people a year, according to the History Channel. The path, most of which is no wider than 12 feet, descends nearly 11,800 feet in just 40 miles, and travelers have to deal with dangers such as aconstant fog, heavy rain, loose rocks, limited visibility and 2,000-foot drop-offs. But that doesn’t stop thrill-seeking tourists from traveling (and even bicycling) the infamous road, which has become one of Bolivia’s most popular attractions.
- Fuel at the pumps is subsidized by the state and generally only available to citizens at this rate. The ‘Gringo Rate’ is normally double.
- It is widely reported to be of lower quality, especially diesel which waxes at lower temperatures and higher altitudes and that gums up injectors over a period (as per numerous adventure travellers).
- Bolivia (and much of region) is at high altitude.
- Caution » Modern diesel engines are even less designed to run on high sulphur fuels.
- Tourist may be limited to purchasing fuel at only some government owned ‘YPFB’ stations.
- This can be problematic for adventure vehicles with limited range, especially when travelling outside larger centers where there may not be any YPFB filling stations that are permitted to sell to foreigners. This requires careful route planning.
- The Kingdom of the Afro-Bolivians in the sub-tropical Yungas valleys, east of La Paz – Read the article
- Best parks & reserves (Footprints)
- El Alto International Airport (IATA code: LPB) is Bolivia’s main international airport,
- located in the city of El Alto, 13 km (8 mi) south west of La Paz
- Residents of La Paz are known to be unwelcoming to overlanders.
Government Travel Advice
- Canada
- Visa » Officially listed as 30 Days for tourists. However some Tourists (Canadian and German) have received 90 day visas upon arrival overland. (May 2024)
- New Zealand
- France
- Australia
- UK
- Canada
- Embassy of Canada in Bolivia
Street address:
2678 Victor Sanjinés Street
Barcelona Building
Second Floor, Plaza España (Sopocachi)
La Paz, Bolivia - Tel. » 591-2-2-415141
- Fax » 591-2-2-414453
- Email »
- Embassy of Canada in Bolivia
- France »
- Ambassade de France en Bolivie
Avenida Hernando Siles n° 5390 – Esquina calle 8
La Paz
Tel : +591 2 214 99 00
Numéro de permanence :+591 77593158
Courriel :
Site Web
- Ambassade de France en Bolivie
This page was updated May 22, 2024